
From the Dialpad icon, calls are placed by dialing the area code followed by the seven-digit phone number or, an extension number within the organization.





Calls using this app will show the caller ID of the business not the personal phone number.

Quick Dial

Access saved speed dials under the Quick Dial page and dial directly by tapping the picture or letter icon associated with speed dial’s name.

Company Directory

Open the Company Directory page and tap the phone icon on the right to quickly call someone within the organization.

Call Functions

In Call screens have multiple functions to utilize durring a call.



A: Signal Strength

B: Home

C: Mute

D: Speakerphone

E: Hold (put caller on hold)

F: Transfer (Blind Transfer – goes straight to recipient)

G: Add + (add third person to conference call) Join (once called add the conference call by using the join button)

H: Att. Transfer (Attended Transfer – speak with recipient first then press the Transfer Button at the bottom of the screen to complete the transfer)

Active Call Settings